Got Questions?


Below you’ll find answers to the questions we get asked the most.

Have another question?  Contact us today

The music seems hard and I don't think I'm good enough. What vocal level do I have to be at to sing with BICS?

If you have a love of singing choral music, you should join us!  You do not need to be professionally trained to sing with BICS.

Do I need to know solfege or be a good sight reader to join BICS?

There is no need to be proficient in solfege or sight reading for BICS.

Do I need to be able to read music to sing with BICS?

Where knowing how to read the lines, spaces, and rhythms written on the staff would be helpful to a vocalist, one does not need extensive knowledge in reading music to sing with BICS.  For most of our music, there will be help tracks available so you can learn your music by listening wherever you are.

Do I have to audition for BICS?

There is no audition!  Just come to early registration or the first rehearsal, purchase your music, and pay your dues.

What if I don't know my voice part anymore?

There is no need to worry.  We have several members who have taught choir and voice lessons.  Any of them would be happy to help you figure out if you are a soprano, alto, tenor, or bass.

I can't afford a tux or a choir dress. Can I still sing with BICS?

We will help you get the performance attire you need to sing with BICS.  We have members who have extra dresses and possibly black suits that you could borrow for the performance.

How much does it cost to join BICS?

Without the cost of the music, BICS dues are $15 for a single person or $25 for a married couple. 

Please visit our Membership Page for more information. 


Do I need to order a copy of the music?

We have you covered.  When you register and pay your dues, you can also purchase a copy we will give you a copy of each song for the season.

What is the typical rehearsal schedule?

Our rehearsals typically begin the 3rd Sunday in August from 2:30-4:30pm.  We will have a rehearsal each Sunday afternoon (except Labor Day weekend) until the concert weekend.

The Final Week before the concert, we will have a possible Monday night rehearsal, Friday night rehearsal, and our last rehearsal the Saturday morning before the concert on Sunday.

Do I have to be at every rehearsal?

We understand that giving up 12 Sunday afternoons in a row can be a big time committment.  Our Bylaws state that a member must attend 70% of the rehearsals.  If we have 12 rehearsals, you would need to attend 9. 

We also understand that things do come up.  For that reason, our Bylaws state that the conductor for the current season has the discretion to forgive rehearsals missed.

Where do we meet for rehearsals?

We typically meet in the Lamar University Jimmy Simmons Music Building in the recital hall for rehearsals.  If the rehearsal location changes, we will give plenty of notice as to the change in venue.

Where does BICS perform concerts?

BICS typically performs concerts at First United Methodist Church Beaumont, 701 Calder Ave, Beaumont, TX.

Who is the Conductor for BICS?

We have a different conductor each season.

Come Sing With Us!

Fill out our contact form today and get on our mailing list.  You will receive an informational packet with details of our upcoming season in the mail in June.

Beaumont Interfaith Choral Society

PO Box 10936

Beaumont, TX 77710


Copyright © 2018 Beaumont Interfaith Choral Society